Self Care Tips for a Happy & Healthy Life
Let’s talk about self care.
Sometimes we get so busy with our lives and taking care of everyone else we often forget about ourselves. It’s important to take care of you!
What is self care? Anything you do to take care of yourself so you can stay physically, mentally, and emotionally well. Its benefits are better physical, mental, and emotional health and well-being. Research suggests self-care promotes positive health outcomes, such as living longer, and becoming better able to manage stress.
Take the power back. Even if it’s just an hour a day, find the time for self care. We must take time to enjoy the things we love to do. This is beneficial to our mental health. Simple things like watching your favorite TV show (not your kids or spouses). Make a meal that you love. Spending time on a hobby you enjoy.
Start with a walk around your block, notice the flowers and sunshine. Make yourself a healthy snack and a cup of your favorite tea. Read a good book, sleep in, clean out your closet, get organized. These are all simple ways to take care of yourself.
To me it’s really important to make your home feel like a sacred place. I love surrounding myself with beautiful things. I like finding a ritualistic and calming side to every day, I have a coffee/tea bar in my kitchen for my morning ritual. I always cook dinner for my family in the evenings. I enjoy lighting beautiful candles before bed, they make my room smell lovely and peaceful. Finally I always make time for my skincare routine. My favorite milk cleanser, moisturizer and face oil. It calms and soothes for my best sleep.
Here are 10 ways to indulge in self care
1. Hydrate
Did you know your body is about 70% water? Drinking water is vital for your health and fights dehydration, flushes out toxins, clears your skin. Get yourself a good filter and invest in a reusable water bottle to take with you for sips throughout the day. Replace other drinks with water. Water is essential. I like to drink a glass of water first thing in the morning. In the winter try hot water with lemon instead of coffee for an added immune boost.
2. Write in a journal
Write down 10 things in a journal you’re grateful for and why, this really helps put things in perspective. Also take down notes on the things you want to accomplish for yourself in the coming week. Make goals and find time do get them done.
3. Exercise
Get moving, at least 30 minutes a day. Yoga, walking, dancing anything you enjoy. It is good for your mental health as well as physical. Exercise can improve your quality of sleep, reduce feelings of anxiety and depression, increase life span, protect against many chronic diseases, improve memory and brain function, also aids in weight management and many more great reasons to get moving.
4. Get extra sleep
We should all be getting at least 7 to 9 hours of sleep a night according to experts. Many of us simply don’t. There are many benefits to sleeping besides feeling tired. Get sick less often, reduce stress and improve your mood, lower your risk for serious health problems like diabetes and heart disease. Try to set a bedtime and get a routine going- for example, go to bed at the same time every night after your favorite skincare routine or reading from your favorite book. Get extra cozy and invest in luxurious bedding & pillows.
5. Take a fancy bubble bath

6. Eat healthy
More fruits more vegetables. Feed your body nutrients it needs. Eating vegetables has many health benefits such as protecting your body from certain types of cancers, heart disease and stroke. When you can opt for Organic.
7. Meditate
Meditation can help reduce blood pressure, as well as anxiety and stress according to experts.
8. Just say no
Preventing burnout- sometimes we are so over scheduled, overworked and simply must to opt out of things for our own well being. No matter what the reason is, learning how to say no is an important skill for your personal and mental health. Your time and energy is precious. Just say no. Save that time for yourself to unwind.
9. Go shopping
It’s called retail therapy and it works. Spoil yourself. Go ahead and buy the shoes! Because, you deserve it!
10. Vacation Why? A Vacation is actually really good for you! You need one. Even if it’s just a day trip. Explore somewhere new. Take pictures, and enjoy yourself. Life is about making memories.
When you take time away from work, and your daily life, it can really improve the stresses we deal with on the daily grind. A vacation can improve your motivation, perspective, physical and mental health. You will become happier and more creative after you come back. All refreshed and new ready to be more productive.
I hope these tips inspired you to take time out of your busy schedule and focus on your own self care. You are important and you deserve it.
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